So, what is the elephant in the room with aged care at the moment?
In a report released Friday 17 August 2018 that showed a recent increase in home care funding for elderly care recipients, there was a worrying trend in demand versus ability to provide that needed care.
That is, despite the growth in older people desiring home care services, the number of home care packages assigned (or available) is simply not keeping up with demand.
At 31 March 2018, according to figures only released on 17 August 2018, the queue waiting to receive a package had risen to 108,456 people. That is an increase of 3,854 on those waiting at 31 December 2017. Not only that , but just over half of all those in the queue have been assigned a package at a lower level than their needs require. Remember this is all based on the Australian Government’s own approved needs assessment, and allocation of packages.
Contemporaneously we have demographers projecting the number of residential aged care places required to be built/developed is now at about 75,000 by 2025. That is only eight years away.